When the first Dene filmmaker returned home to Canada’s Northwest Territories, his people had no words for his new art. They call it ‘Dreamtalking’
Edmonton, Alberta becomes the site of an international gathering of our own Dreamtalkers: filmmakers, performers and artists. Indigenous people from around the globe gather to share their common bond, a linkage with of a natural world whose harmonies and rhythms are being forgotten by those that came later.
Dreamspeakers International Film Festival provides a venue for Dreamtalkers and offers a unique exploration into Aboriginal cultures from all parts of the globe.

Beaver Hills House Park 105 ST & Jasper Ave
Walk of Honour
Dreamspeakers Festival Society created the Walk of Honour as a tribute to those Aboriginal artists who have blazed trails in the film industry. It is intended to be a lasting legacy to recognize their efforts and hard work at bringing a new understanding to the varied cultures, traditions, languages and artistic expressions of Aboriginal People in Canada.
Beaver Hills House Park was named from the Cree translation of the name “amiskwaskahegan” also used to refer to Fort Edmonton Park.
Note: Some of the plaques have been damaged by snow removal and are awaiting to be reinstalled.

Rubaboo Arts Festival
Rubaboo is recognized as a Métis-Michif language word, meaning a stew or a soup trappers use to make on the trap line. Rubaboo is a philosophy about what sustains us; it’s about feeding the spirit, about thriving; a rich dished filled with all good things, thus the Rubaboo Arts Festival.
It is a multi-disciplinary arts festival, showcasing Aboriginal theatre, music, dance, art, food, family and youth events, artist workshops, cultural workshops and Aboriginal crafts. It has a mandate to develop new artistic works and present these works in progress during the festival.