Support us by donating, sponsoring, or advertising with us

Dreamspeakers Festival Society is a non-profit charity that hosts two festivals each year and has plans to host events, events, workshops, and programs throughout the year. Consider supporting our work by donating, sponsoring or advertise with us.



Dreamspeakers Festival Society is a registered charity (Tax ID 132950791RP0001). With a donation of $50 or more, we will issue a Charitable Tax Receipts. Consider supporting us with a one-time donation or committing to a monthly commitment to help us run events, workshops, and programs throughout the year.




If you are interested in being a corporate sponsor of our event, please contact our office for more information at 780 378 9609 or email In addition, as partners with the Dreamspeakers Festival Society, we are a registered charity (Tax ID 132950791RP0001). We are only able to issue Charitable Tax Receipts for amounts of $50 or more. Any contributions to our organization are gratefully accepted. 

You can send them in by mail or drop off a donation at our Box Office during the festival.


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